Dawson was having a hard time going down for his afternoon nap, I tucked him in bed and read him some stories and he just kept coming out. I was in my bedroom with Jordan when I heard something, sure enough Dawson was trying to sneak downstairs to play, I told him to get in bed and take a nap but still he came out again. Finally he decided to just stay in his room, I could still hear him playing but I figured at least he was in his room. A little while later my mom and sister came over to say hi, they peeked into Dawson's room to see if he was awake and this is what they found...
Fast asleep...
The big black thing next to his head is an old football helmet that sits on his nightstand, apparently he was playing with it. Under his blanket is a book that we were reading, that looks real comfortable ;)
And in Jordan news... this is how much he enjoyed eating rice cereal for the first time last week