Tuesday, February 5, 2008

It can't be that bad...

I know that I should be reading stories, singing the ABC's or teaching him the Theory of Relativity...but this is how we spend an hour each afternoon.

He loves to watch Sesame Street and I love to let him. It keeps him entertained so I can throw some things in the laundry, eat some lunch and do dishes. The best is seeing his face when the music for Elmo's world comes on, he gets a huge smile on his face, looks up at me and starts clapping. I figure that they are teaching him about numbers, letters and talking monsters so it can't be that bad...right? Plus it is really cute to see this guy sitting on his bum for once, not running around. So this is a thank you to Elmo and the gang, you help me get things done. :)


Matt and Amie said...

Aimee that is so cute! Be grateful that he will sit still for at least a few minutes! I try to do the same thing, but right when I start to leave the room, Kaylee runs after me, so I never get a whole lot done! :)

jen.nie said...

No its not bad... its not like you are playing tivo'd Sesame Streets one right after another for hours and hours so you can get everything done you need to. But that is an idea...i might have to remember that. :) He just looks so cute...the little man sitting in front of that huge screen! He makes your room and every in it look giamungous!

Amie said...

I'm glad you get a minute to yourself:) He seems like such a good baby. I can't believe how big he is already. It feels like you were just barely pregnant. Time flies by so fast.

Jobi Niu said...

ha ha ha look @ him just sittin in the middle of that big ol floor watchin it. How cute! Jett loves it too, and Yo GAbba Gabba, and BARNEY! AHHH! I HATE those shows! But whatever entertains him so I can get a minute to myself.. oh wait.. I have a another baby! ha ha NO tiime to myself! :( Oh well. Dawson is SOOOOO CUTE!

Abby said...

Dawson is such a cute kid. You are a good mom. Sometimes I like Sesame Street more then Hyrum does.

Abby said...

I meant, "than". :)

Dowland Fam said...

I think it is wonderful! If Emmie sat still I would do the same thing. But she really enjoys channel surfing versus any channel watching. I can't believe that Dawson is so mobile. Emmie is just taking her first steps! He is so big! Hope you guys have fun celebrating his birthday. And, I love your blog - - it looks great!

Eric and Jenny said...

Aimee your son is so cute!! I loved watching Sesame Street when I was little and look how wonderful and smart and good looking I turned out!